
Japanese Sleeve Tattoos

Sleeve tattoos can take up any proportion of the arm, from a half sleeve finishing above the elbow; a three quarter sleeve that finishes mid way up the lower arm (to be fully covered when wearing a shirt); or a full sleeve that finishes at the wrist.

Elements that traditionally appear in Japanese sleeve tattoos include Dragons, Masks, Koi, Flowers, Phoenixes and Deities.

Here are a selection of Japanese Sleeves done by our artists at Cloak and Dagger Tattoo Parlour London. To discuss your own sleeve ideas contact us here.


Dragon sleeve by Gabriele

Healed sleeves raijin fujin @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimono#raijin#fujin

Fujin and Raijin sleeves by Michele

Healed sleeves raijin fujin @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimono#raijin#fujin

Fujin and Raijin sleeves by Michele

Healed sleeves raijin fujin @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimono#raijin#fujin

Fujin and Raijin sleeves by Michele

Started about a year ago and finished the other day.  Most the black and grey is healed and all colour is fresh. Thanks Nina! Would love to do lots more Japanese. lukejinks@gmail.com if or bookings.<br />-<br />-<br />-<br />-#tattoo #tattoos #londontattoo #TTTpublishing #sangbleupublishing#darkartists #tattoosnob #traditionaltattoo #classictattoo #tradworkers #boldtattoos #classic_tattoos#real_traditional #besttradtattoos @besttradtattoos #topclasstattooing #tattooworkers@tattooartistmagazine #respecttradition #thebesttattooartists #tattooodo #tattoolife@tattooculturemagazine #oldlines #realtattoos #tattooistartmagazine #bright_and_bold#tattooworkers @tattooworkers #ukttta #topclasstattooing #loveclassictattoos

Koi Sleeve by Luke

Finished first tattoo on Catalina!<br />Thank you so much for letting me do this !!<br />Done @cloakanddaggerlondon <br />#tattoo #london #londontattoo #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #blackworktattoo #japanesetattoo #koi #shoreditch #fizzybusiness

Koi Sleeve by Micky

Dragon, Riccardo?s sleeve part 2 #tattoo #japanesetattoo #theartoftattooing #uktattoo #tattooartwork #tattoomag #ttt #dragontattoo #shoreditch

Koi and Dragon Sleeve by Davide

Koi and claw , sneak peak of Riccardo?s arm , more pictures in the way #japanesetattoo #tattoo #theartoftattooing #uktattoo #tattoomag #ttt #tattoodo #tattooartwork #dragon #koi #waves @cloakanddaggerlondon

Koi and Dragon Sleeve by Davide

All done and healed for Steven <br />thank you very much.<br />This bangers on the wall are by @stupagdintattooer @gabbianotre @haubs ...<br />@cloakanddaggerlondon #japanesetattoo #japan #phoenix #tattooart #tattoodo #theartoftattooingofficial #tattoomag #uktattoo #shoreditch #ldnttt #ttt #tttism

Phoenix Sleeve by Davide

All done and healed for Steven <br />thank you very much.<br />This bangers on the wall are by @stupagdintattooer @gabbianotre @haubs ...<br />@cloakanddaggerlondon #japanesetattoo #japan #phoenix #tattooart #tattoodo #theartoftattooingofficial #tattoomag #uktattoo #shoreditch #ldnttt #ttt #tttism

Phoenix Sleeve by Davide

All done and healed for Steven <br />thank you very much.<br />This bangers on the wall are by @stupagdintattooer @gabbianotre @haubs ...<br />@cloakanddaggerlondon #japanesetattoo #japan #phoenix #tattooart #tattoodo #theartoftattooingofficial #tattoomag #uktattoo #shoreditch #ldnttt #ttt #tttism

Phoenix Sleeve by Davide

Healed sleeve momiji koi kiku @cloakanddaggerlondon  #tattoo#japantattoo#japantraditionaltattoo#horimono #koi#momiji#kiku

Koi Sleeve by Michele

Koi and lotus half sleeve done @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#tattoooftheday#bricklane#halfsleeve#koi#lotus

Koi half sleeve by Michele

Thanks Vincenzo , <br />Had great fun.<br />let?s keep cool ideas like this coming at me... #theartoftattoos #theartoftattooing #tattoomag #tattoo #tattoolondon #japanesetattoo #snake #oni #uktattoo #ttt #tattoodo

Raijin Sleeve by Davide

Done , thanks Alberto.<br />From the 15th to the 19th you will find me @traditionalstone , DM me for info and appointments. #theartoftattooing #tattooartworldwide #uktattoo #ldnttt #tattooartistmagazine #tattoomag #shoreditch #japanesetattoo #japanesemasks @cloakanddaggerlondon

Masks sleeve by Davide

Ryugoi koi sleeve done @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimonotattoo#tattoooftheday#ryugoi#koi#coverup

Dragon and Koi Sleeve by Michele

Ryugoi koi sleeve done @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimonotattoo#tattoooftheday#ryugoi#koi#coverup

Dragon and Koi Sleeve by Michele

Ryugoi koi sleeve done @cloakanddaggerlondon #japantraditionaltattoo#horimonotattoo#tattoooftheday#ryugoi#koi#coverup

Dragon and Koi Sleeve by Michele


Peony half sleeve by Michele


Peony half sleeve by Michele


Peony half sleeve by Michele


Peony half sleeve by Michele